Antenatal class intake formFeel free to fill out all or as much as you likeAll information is kept confidential Mother's name Partner or Support Person Estimated due date Lead Maternity Care provider Planned place of birth How has your pregnancy been so far (physically, emotionally)? What are your feelings about labour and birth? Select the topics you would like to focus on and/or learn about: Ways labour might begin Stages of labour Optimal fetal positioning exercises, perineal massage Timing contractions When to go to the hospital/birthing center Preparing a birth plan What to pack in birth bag Creating a positive birth environment Breathing techniques Positions for labour Massage, acupressure, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy Tips for partners-all stages/labour support Waterbirth Positions for labour and birthing Medical interventions Fetal monitoring Epidural Other pain medications used in labour Assisted vaginal delivery Cesarean birth Newborn behaviour first days/weeks Settling, swaddling, nappies, winding, bathing Breastfeeding -breast anatomy, physiology, nipple care Breastfeeding technique and breast health Parenthood survival the first few weeks Avoiding postpartum depletion Naturopathy advice and suggestions Thank you. Looking forward to seeing you in class.